Friday Edition

"THE TIME WHEN OUR ELDERS GOT CHANCE TO CHANGE THE WORLD WAS YESTERDAY, AND THE TIME WHEN WE WILL GET THE GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY WILL BE TOMORROW" #COMPLETESFIFTYPOSTS Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog. I took a break from blogging due to my final exams. Now they are over and I'm back😉. Also with this post, I'm completing fifty posts on my blog page and reached 4.50 k views. though my followers haven't increased, I'm getting comments below my many posts which are motivating. thanks to all the readers for their support and for motivating me to keep writing blogs.😊 I promise that I'll be posting interesting articles and amazing poems on this blog. make sure next time to follow my blog and also to comment down after reading my posts. A simple day can become a new day, with your marvelous expectations and with your energetic smile. according to many dieticians and doctors, morning walk and badminton are the best exercises for your fitness. just 60 mi...