Happy Independence Day

#75thIn dependence Day ๐งก๐ค๐ Hello, everyone welcome back to my blog. Wishing all the Indians a very happy independence day. This day is to feel proudly Indian. This year India is celebrating its 75th Independence Day for remembering the sacrifices made by the freedom fighters, citizens, and political leaders to free the motherland. Every year the celebration of independence day is honored with greatness, fervor, and enthusiasm. Independence Day is all about celebrating life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The young generation admires their fortune that they are born on the Independent land of India and have the privilege to breathe in free air. Of course, during the COVID-19 pandemic, more important changes have been made in Independence Day celebrations including social distancing and no large gatherings of people. But we Indians are always united. Today I'm here with another patriotic poem for my independent nation. It's in Hindi. I hope you all will ...