My First Book

#AmIOrphicInThisMiridicalWorld Hello everyone. Welcome back to my another blog post. In this post, I am here to tell all my readers that recently I have published a poetry book. WHAT IS THE BOOK ABOUT? This book has 13 poems each of different idealogy. The title of the book says that am I beyond ordinary thinking in this amazing and wondrous world? Life is a great mystery, Full of stress and fun, The one who solves this mystery, Can always further run. This world is endless and endless are our creations and we can think beyond the crowd. We must not style our thinking as it is of any other person. Small things in these 100 years of life will bring big changes. Let obstacles and difficulties enter your game. You have to play well and shine out just like a pearl from its nutshell. HOW TO PURCHASE THIS BOOK? You can purchase book from any of the stores. AMAZON STORE NOTION PRESS STORE FLIPKART BOOK DETAILS Publisher : Notion Press; ...