Friday edition by garima dixit

 Friday Edition

Hello, everyone welcome back to my another post. Tomorrow is teacher's day. No gifts. no decoration and even no excitement on this teacher's day. I'm missing every teacher's day because that was the only day when we used to get half-day and we do a lot's fun when our teachers were replaced with our seniors. For the last three years, it was our last working day before term exams. For the same topic, I will also post a message along with a self-written poem.📃📏

I would here like to share one thing that I never wanna be a teacher.🙈🙉🙅🙊 This is because it's a very hectic job,  full of lots of confusion and burdens. Though I respect teachers. I remember my English teacher of class 7, she was a very kind and frank teacher. In creative writing, there was a question of telling you an occupation or profession you won't choose and will choose. I wrote there that I will never choose the occupation of teacher and wanna become a doctor along with a famous personality.😀😀😈 Now comes the turn to expand my answer with reason. I wrote it what I felt. Now after getting my notebook checked I saw a remark on that question very good. (I felt happy😏😏) but after that when my English ma'am entered the class the first thing she discussed in front of the whole class was my answer.😵😵 I don't know why but I felt that she was disliking me at that moment. But my reason wasn't so bad.😐😓😂😂 I was about to laugh out loud after seeing the reaction of everyone around me. I would have shared the pic of that answer but I'm not able to find that notebook. 
( this thing ends here only)

So my today's work is all about quotes on hard work and self-determination.........

I hope you liked it!!
Post👍 in comment section along with your words for my creation.......
( No post till next month due to my exams )
Thank you and have a nice day!!



  1. 👍

  2. Well,this is great that you have guts to share your thoughts as u shared in this poem in school 👍🥰🥰but remember one thing not for now but for future also that you should not keep ur opinion bout any occupation without the having any experience 🙂🙂 nd keep it up 😘😘


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