Friday Edition

 Let Me Go !!

Hello...! Halo..! Bonjour..! Namaskar....! Salve...!!   😅😅🙏🙏
Welcome back to my another post...I hope you all are enjoying your days...👧🤧🙃
But I'm not🤣😅.....It's very boring now...I just wanna go back to the 2019 environment ( not the same year) 2020 is just like a devil now...Every good thing I expect goes wrong now. 😪
My favorite team CSK is losing all the matches.....and RCB is in the second position .........
( unbelievable 😫😨 ). But as someone great has said this is 2020 anything can happen 🤐.
This corona era has made humans just like birds kept in a cage and are willing to fly. They are crying..." Let me go!!..... Let me go!!..." No one can ever forget this year...
 Now according to me, Corona is not the real sickness but 2020 is the real sickness.
Soon Dussehra is also coming. I was thinking when everything is possible then this Dussehra person will not shout "Jai Shree ram" they will scream " Mahagyani Raavan ki Jai ". 🤣🤣😁

This was just a time pass 🤣🤣....

So my today's work is all about ( idk 😅😆 ) .............literally I don't know...I just wrote them .....let the topic be x and I don't feel so that taking the value of x is important.🙄

1) The hardest walk is walking alone, but it is also the walk.....which makes you the strongest....YOU YOURSELF ARE THE STRONGEST!!
2)  People notice the change in your behaviour but they never feel the reason behind that.........I think the reason is ignorance.
                                                              Ignorance isn't bliss.




I hope you all would have loved reading my today's post. Soon will be upcoming with my new poem. Till then bye and have a nice day.

Thank You and Have a nice festive weekend!!



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