Hello, everyone. Welcome back to my blog. The above quotes are about farmers but not written by me. I like these quotes. They share a big message. Farmers are the only person who grows crops but doesn't have enough money to give that much nutrient-rich food item to their own families. Many small farmers commit suicide every year just because they don't have enough money to feed their children and repay the loan they took. They have to work in every condition. Extreme heat, extreme rainfall or rainfall, and even seasonless rainfall harm their crops. They live in a state of depression and are always worried about their crops. They have to do everything which can make their crops healthy otherwise they have to take a loan for feeding their families. 

These days farmers are protesting against three farm acts that were passed by the Parliament of India this year. I'm neither against these acts nor in favor. In other words, you can say I don't wanna jump into this topic. Just I wanna express my feelings for farmers who work for feeding us and their families.

Today I have written a poem in Hindi for farmers. I hope you all will like it. Please share this post and comment your views below.


सूरज से पहले जागे ,
आसमान से आगे भागे,
हल ले हाथ में अपने ,
लग गया करने पूरे,
 परिवार के सपने |

कड़ी धूप में खेत जोत कर ,
पानी डाल फसल उगाई,
 पर लोगों को उसकी,
 मेहनत कभी  ना समझ आई |

 परमेश्वर का दर्जा उसका ,
 लोगों को ना रखें भूखा,
 पर खुद ही सो जाएगा,
 खा रुखा सुखा |

ऊंचे थे  अरमान भी उसके ,
पर चाहकर भी ना कर पाया, 
उसके लिए तो अब,
 सारा सुख है पेड़ की छाया |

 बच्चे पूछे उससे  रोज़ ,
'पापा आज खाने को क्या लाया',
बेचारा बस कह यही कि ,
 'बेटा आज बहुत कम कमाया',
 सो जाता है फटी चादर ओढ़ |

 अन्न दाता किसान है ,
सबके लिए करने वाला,
 एक वही इंसान है ,
 एक वही है जो बुढ़ापे में भी जवान है,
 दुनिया का हर किसान भगवान है,
 हर किसान  महान है !

I hope you all will like it. Do follow my blog and share it with your friends. 
Will meet you in the next post till then bye and take care.
Stay Home, Stay Safe!



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