Friday Edition



Warm greetings to all my readers. I hope you are in pink of health and doing good at your place. As 2020 started process of vaccination has also started. In the first stage doctors and frontline workers are being vaccinated and then vulnerable people will be vaccinated.
After the coming of the vaccine, people are leading a normal life. I saw people roaming in-crowd, many weren't wearing masks and also some were giving me the feeling that 'WHAT IS CORONA? WHO WAS HE? FROM WHERE HE CAME?'. Guys COVID is not yet over. To know about this go ask the students who are against offline exams๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ. There are endless problems in going to schools for writing exams๐Ÿ˜ถ. 

Leaving this all I'm here with a story which I wrote myself ๐Ÿ™‚. This story is about mutual understanding between animals. We, humans, are also animals but God has gifted us some superpowers too. We have the power to express our feelings in words, we can speak, and also we have manners of eating, learning, discovering, and exploring. In comparison to us, the language of animals is unlike to us but they can also express their feeling in some or other way. Real habitat of animals in nature. Though we tame animals and make them our pets, we teach them manners to eat like us and tame them to work on our commands, but, when they go back with their friend group they again start fighting for their share of food. So that's why we mustn't tame them for fun or showoff.
This is the theme of my story. I hope you all will enjoy reading it.


     Unknown Bond     

Once, in a city of North-America, a family lived in the streets of Dawn. "Lewis, come-on we are getting late." said the father. John with his son Lewis was going out for a picnic. Lewis was interested in finding of habits of animals. That day with his dad he decided to go in a deciduous and mixed forest where he thought raccoons could be found. 
            "Sssssss-hhhhhhh", "Dad! look there. I can see something in the grass", exclaimed Lewis. Something brown in color he saw behind bushes. Like a scientist, he with his dad followed that animal. He found that it was a raccoon and was sniffing and searching for food. Lewis was excited to give nuts and fruits to him. "Oh! dad can I please give Marccoon some fruits and nuts? He is looking hungry", "Marccoon..? Who he is?", asked dad. "Dad look at that baby raccoon he is so beautiful and cute. So I named him Marccoon๐Ÿ˜…". "Oh God! Be safe and just keep the stuff a bit far away. Go!", replied dad.
                "Oh....! Marccoon was looking so amazing", said Lewis. "Hmmm... so lewis look back your friend is behind you", said John. Marccoon was following Lewis and he couldn't realize that. He gave food to that hungry raccoon and also in that much period of time he named him also. This mutual bond between Lewis and Marccoon was unknown and the bond was love. 
        Lewis asked his dad to make Marccoon his pet but John refused and gave an absolutely perfect explanation. "Animals should not be tamed for fun or passion. They also love to be free and enjoy their natural habitat. Marccoon might have come here for saying goodbye and thank you. Imagine if you are kept as a pet in a cage. How will you feel?", said John. "Yes, dad I understood. So bye my dear friend Marccoon will try to meet you again in life."

~The End~

It was a short story.
I hope you all enjoyed and liked the story.
Will meet you in the next post.
Till then bye!!



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