Virus with the crown is ruling over the world

 Tough time doesn't last for long. Be strong!

Hello everyone🙏. I hope you all are in fine fettle. This is the toughest time anyone would have faced in this century. Millions of people have lost their lives and many families are affected due to it. The past few months have been the toughest. But we need to stand strong and stay safe. Many children have lost their parents and many parents have lost their child. 

🙏My deep condolence for all those who have lost their lives.🙏

Tried and tried, cried, cried, bored and tired, felt to cry out loud, nothing to do...all these are emotions and feeling these days we all have felt and came across. This second wave had been most destructive and hopefully, now the cases are decreasing🤞

We were all set for a new year expecting everything to be normal again; i.e, a world free from the corona. As we all know that in 2020 a newborn disease COVID-19 was declared a pandemic and was quite destructive. The world was paused for few months, countries were under lockdown. For me, this COVID-19 was just a baby who was malnutrition and will die soon. But who knows that this baby of few months gonna lock us at our places, not for taking care of him but of ours. 

This pandemic destroyed billions of families, millions of people lost their lives. It wasn't an easy time to be in lockdown. People were then in depression and were frustrated. Along with countries, streets, and markets human souls were also down. Many of us lost our jobs and also the hope of being alive. Though there were many advantages of this lockdown, people didn't realize it as they were mentally disturbed.

Don't be positive, STAY HOME!
Don't be negative, STAY SAFE!



If India wasn't locked last year cases would have reached 10 lakhs in the first few months only. lockdown controlled the death rate of India at that time. Though India's GDP in 2020 eventually came down to -7.97%. 
Unemployment in 2019 was 7.22% whereas, in the month of April in 2020 it was almost triple of that, i.e, 23.52%. People were extremely depressed. Daily wage workers started migrating to their villages from big cities and metropolitan cities. Though who wasn't able to pay their dues and were in debut committed suicide.
Farming is the most trendy occupation since then as it's the basic need of people and also the government hasn't put any lock there. Even the jewelers and barbers started selling fruits and vegetables as to earn their livelihood and fill the stomachs of their families. 
Anxiety, fear of death, depression, blockheads, and only tension were the feelings in every age group last year. While just being at home people felt suffocated and lonely because when it was announced about the lockdown people who work away from their families weren't able to come back.
While working online people faced problems related to their physical fitness. Eye strain, lack of Vitamin D, knee pain, back pain; etc. 
That was the toughest time in this century. People lost their relatives but weren't even able to go there to give their deep condolences. Each and everything was online.

If lockdown wasn't there rate of unemployment would not have risen and daily wage workers would not have migrated. If lockdown would not have been there jewelers would not have become vegetable and fruit vendors. If lockdown would not have been there people would be physically and mentally fit.

Also, there were positive effects of lockdown but times were tough and people weren't able to understand those advantages. 

In 2020 carbon dioxide emission per capita deteriorated. In 2019 it was 132 million tonnes while in 2020 it was -30 million tonnes. Fresh air and clean water were the improvements due to lockdown. Besides the air quality, there was improvement in river water quality of Yamuna, Brahmani, Godavari, Cauvery, Krishna, Tapi, and the Brahmaputra which was attributed to minimal industrial effluent discharges due to closure of almost all industries, absence of waste materials, and other garbage due to human activities.
When everyone was locked in one place, families came closer and spent time together. From schools to offices everything was online and people were in their comfort zones.

If lockdown wasn't there people would not have got relief from that thick layer of air pollution. If lockdown wasn't their families would not have come closer. If lockdown wasn't there little chefs and young artists wouldn't have got opportunities to showcase their talents.'


I hope you like today's blog.
Thanks for reading!
Stay Home | Stay Safe



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