Why dicrimination?

ॐ नमः शिवाय🙏🏻🚩


Hello everyone. Warm welcome to my blog. I hope you all are in pink health. As my exams were going on, I wasn't able to create any posts.😕
Life has changed a lot in the past few years. From the environment to human nature, everything has overcome changes. Especially when I talk about myself...... I have realized many things about myself and my community.🙂 I believe that society is divided on the basis of some or the other factor. Rather, we all must be at least friends with each other as of one similar quality; that is , we are human. We make groups with people having the same class, same mindset, or thinking the way we think.
Many of us during these past two years have gone through depression and the only reason for that was that every person now loves being in their comfort zone. We make friends or talk to people as to express our feelings with that guy, but what I think is that in this world of 7.9 billion population it is difficult to find a trustworthy person.
We all discriminate even ourselves from the other person around us. If your neighbor belongs to a low caste or belongs to an opposite community that you belong to, will you go to his/her house for dinner? I'm sure 75% will not, as many of us still have that old thinking. We are modernizing our environment; we are working like machines to develop our land, but are WE actually developing?
Today on the occasion of NO DICRIMINATION DAY I'm here with a poem on the topic- 'WHY DICRIMINATION?'. Discriminating on the basis of gender is very common and most of us have faced that discrimination. And we humans are so poor that for everything society needs prove, and those capable of that, rather than excelling in that skill, engage oneself in proving society that they are capable of that. All that at this age I can say is that enjoy the beauty of this life. You were born alone and when you will leave this toxic world no one will come along with you. So simply be friend with everyone as human is a social animal. 
I hope you will enjoy reading this poem.



The day a child is born,
 If a girl then society is mourned, 
And the birth of a boy is celebrated with sweets 
And streets are adorned. 
A white is a superior,
And a black is an inferior, 
For such prejudices,
Our society is the carrier.
Why black or white?
Why can't girls fight?
Why rich or poor?
Why treat the frail badly and be cruel?
Why corpulent or lean?
Why restrict someone's diet and be mean?
Why single or mingle?
Why can't simply join anyone's happiness,
And let yourself jingle?
Why Hindu, Islam, or Muslim?
Why can't we abolish these customs?
Why introvert or extrovert?
Why underestimate those who are inert?
Join the hands and see the palm,
There's a smile that is not different and is always calm.
Where you live in
Is a big society,
Here live people of a different variety.
If we learn that we are human,
And give up the trait of being inhuman.
Then this world will become mutable,
And free of miseries and beautiful.
Every man here is different,
Let this differentiation not be the reason
For human separation.
Let us unite and be known
As humans of one nation.
Let this differentiation not be discrimination.




  1. All that matters is thinking of ourselves towards others nd it should be good as we are human first 💫
    Keep going 🌝

  2. Possitivity is needed ❤
    Good 🧿✨


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